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Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Wednesday 17 April 2024 9:30 AM


1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 4 and 5 in private. 2. Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petitions— PE1975: Reform the law relating to Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) and will take evidence from— Roger Mullin, Petitioner Professor Justin Borg-Barthet, Convenor, Anti-SLAPP Research Hub Ahsan Mustafa, Civil Justice Committee, Law Society of Scotland Graeme Johnston, Scotland Anti-SLAPP sub-working group, UK Anti-SLAPP Coalition and then consider— PE1812: Protect Scotland's remaining ancient, native and semi-native woodlands and woodland floors; PE1926: Expand universal free school meals for all nursery, primary and secondary school pupils; PE1933: Allow the Fornethy Survivors to access Scotland’s redress scheme; PE1956: Increase the provision of wheelchair accessible homes; PE2017: Extend the period that specialist perinatal mental health support is made available beyond one year; PE2033: Introduce a full ban on disposable vapes; and PE02035: Recognise legal control of generalist predators as a conservation act. . 3. Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions— PE2066: Treat vapes and e-cigarettes like cigarettes and tobacco; PE2071: Take action to protect people from airborne infections in health and social care settings; PE2072: Offer covid-19 vaccine boosters to teachers and school staff; and PE2073: Ensure accurate information is used when issuing court summons. 4. Consideration of Evidence: The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 2. 5. Update on public participation: The Committee will consider an update on public participation work.

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Latest meetings: Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee