Miles Briggs S6O-03573 1. To ask the Scottish Government when it will end the reported practice of children and young people being admitted to adult services for treatment, rather than an NHS specialist child and adolescent mental health ward. Ariane Burgess S6O-03574 2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will consider increasing funding for empty homes officers, in light of the First Minister’s reported statement that empty homes are key to tackling the housing emergency. Craig Hoy S6O-03575 3. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with NHS Lothian and NHS Borders regarding financial stability in the 2024-25 financial year. Stuart McMillan S6O-03576 4. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the Communication Workers Union's call for housing standards to be updated to ensure that letterboxes are positioned at a suitably accessible height. Kenneth Gibson S6O-03577 5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what steps it is taking to increase the number of GPs. Collette Stevenson S6O-03578 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its work to tackle poverty, in light of recent analysis by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation showing that 86% of low-income households receiving Universal Credit were going without the essentials and that nearly one million people in the UK are "only £10 a week away from poverty". Audrey Nicoll S6O-03579 7. To ask the Scottish Government when it last engaged with Aberdeen City Council in relation to reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete. Karen Adam S6O-03580 8. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the implications of the reported decision by Aberdeenshire Integration Joint Board to close minor injuries units overnight in Peterhead and Fraserburgh without prior consultation, which has raised significant concerns among constituents.
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