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General Questions

Thursday 07 September 2023 11:40 AM


Ben Macpherson S6O-02480 1. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to support the City of Edinburgh Council and other organisations to provide suitable temporary accommodation and more social housing in Edinburgh. Collette Stevenson S6O-02481 2. To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made towards the introduction of speed awareness courses, among other diversion schemes for driving offences, as an alternative to prosecution. Marie McNair S6O-02482 3. To ask the Scottish Government when it anticipates it will receive the Scottish Law Commission’s findings and recommendations arising from its consultation on damages for personal injury. John Mason S6O-02483 4. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on the potential introduction of strict liability in Scottish football. Ross Greer S6O-02484 5. To ask the Scottish Government what steps are being taken to eliminate sexual harassment in schools. Willie Rennie S6O-02485 6. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports that increasing numbers of dentists are leaving the NHS. Roz McCall S6O-02486 7. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to improve hospital services across NHS Fife. Edward Mountain S6O-02487 8. To ask the Scottish Government what additional resources will be made available to NHS Highland, in light of reports of an estimated annual overspend of over £55 million.

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Latest meetings: General Questions