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Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Tuesday 14 November 2023 9:00 AM


1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 6 in private. 2. Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from— Mirren Kelly, Chief Officer, Local Government Finance, and Cllr Gail Macgregor, Environment and Economy Spokesperson, COSLA; and then from— Tom Arthur, Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance, Ninian Christie, Solicitor, Scottish Government Legal Directorate, Alisdair Grahame, Policy Adviser, Local Government and Analytical Services Division, and Ben Haynes, Bill Team Leader, Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Government. 3. Council Tax Freeze: The Committee will take evidence from— Tom Arthur, Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance, and Ellen Leaver, Deputy Director, Local Government and Analytical Services Division , Scottish Government. 4. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— Non-Domestic Rating Contributions (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2023 5. Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting. 6. Council Tax Freeze: The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.

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Latest meetings: Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee