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Meeting of the Parliament (Accessible)

Tuesday 19 December 2023 2:00 PM


Time for Reflection Rev Dan Robertson, Minister, Davidson's Mains Parish Church followed by Topical Questions Liam Kerr S6T-01702 1. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports that Police Scotland is considering closing more than 40 police buildings. Liam McArthur S6T-01709 2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the roll-out and use of tasers within Police Scotland, in light of reports that they have been used 131 times, and discharged nine times, against children since 2018. followed by Ministerial Statement: Scottish Budget 2024-25 followed by Ministerial Statement: Implementing the Medication Assisted Treatment Standards Scottish Government Debate: From a Warm Scots Welcome to a Warm Scots Future for Ukrainians in Scotland Shirley-Anne Somerville S6M-11696 That the Parliament condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the illegal Russian war against Ukraine; reiterates its firm solidarity with the people and government of Ukraine; pays tribute to the significant contribution made by the organisations, people and communities across Scotland that have opened their hearts and their homes to support Ukrainians to settle in Scotland; welcomes the publication of A Warm Scots Future Policy Position Paper, which outlines the Scottish Government’s strategic approach to transitioning from an emergency response to Russia's illegal invasion, to a long-term, holistic and rights-based approach that supports the integration of people displaced from Ukraine, so that they have the opportunity to rebuild their lives, play active roles in communities across Scotland, and fulfil their potential in work and education, and declares unequivocally its position that all Ukrainians who have made Scotland their home are welcome for as long as they need. Miles Briggs S6M-11696.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-11696 in the name of Shirley-Anne Sommerville (From a Warm Scots Welcome to a Warm Scots Future for Ukrainians in Scotland), insert at end "; expresses concern for the situation being faced by many thousands of displaced Ukrainians and other people living in Scotland, who are currently placed into temporary accommodation; commends the work done by local support groups, which have been established to help support Ukrainians living in Scotland; welcomes the establishment of the Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on Ukraine, and further welcomes the UK Government’s unwavering support for Ukraine by issuing visas for almost 250,000 displaced Ukrainians, and by pledging to providing Ukraine with £4.6 billion in military aid, £347 million in humanitarian assistance and £100 million to support the Ukrainian economy." Paul O'Kane S6M-11696.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-11696 in the name of Shirley-Anne Somerville (From a Warm Scots Welcome to a Warm Scots Future for Ukrainians in Scotland), after "home are welcome" insert "; applauds ordinary people in Scotland who have worked tirelessly to give Ukrainians fleeing conflict a warm welcome in their own homes; notes with concern that Ukrainians are four times more likely to find themselves facing homelessness than the wider population, and calls on the Scottish Government to ensure that a workable plan is fully implemented to enact long-term strategies to allow Ukrainian refugees to access vital housing, education and healthcare". followed by Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-09747 Alex Rowley: Supporting the Work of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust That the Parliament notes the publication of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coalfield Communities’ report, Next Steps in Levelling Up the Former Coalfields; welcomes the recommendations of the report to support the continued development of former coalfield communities; believes that the work of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust is instrumental in the progress seen in Scotland’s former coalfield communities; supports what it sees as the success of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s work in developing community capacity, mentoring, coaching and supporting grassroots organisations to tackle issues in their communities through the Coalfields Investment Programme, and introducing young people from former mining areas to what it understands are the life-changing benefits of sport, through Game On, which is the Trust's Sport for Change programme, among other initiatives; notes the reported concerns that the Scottish Government plans to make what has been described as a significant cut of £100,000 from the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s funding of £750,000; further notes the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s characterisation of this planned cut as “a devastating blow to communities” such as Kincardine and former coalfields communities across Mid Scotland and Fife; understands that the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s funding has been frozen at £750,000 since 2011, and considers that had this amount kept pace with inflation, it would currently be worth £1,034,658; further understands that a proposed cut of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s funding in 2011 was reversed due to the damaging impact this would have had on Scotland’s former coalfield communities; notes the calls for the Scottish Government to reconsider any cut to the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s funding on the same basis, and to support the future success of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust by offering a secure multi-year funding stream such as that provided by the Welsh Government to the Coalfields Regeneration Trust in Wales.

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