General Questions Neil Bibby S6O-03316 1. To ask the Scottish Government what the Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy meant by her reported comments to the Ferguson Marine workforce on 9 April 2024, that the Scottish Government will “stand with you long into the future”. Liz Smith S6O-03317 2. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its recent consultations with local authorities about community access to the school estate, including sports facilities. Marie McNair S6O-03318 3. To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to support childcare groups that provide afterschool care and care outwith school term times. Monica Lennon S6O-03319 4. To ask the Scottish Government for what reason it reportedly delayed the approval of the budget for Skills Development Scotland, which, according to the National Union of Students Scotland and the National Society of Apprentices, led to unnecessary distress and disruption for thousands of apprentices. Ariane Burgess 5. [Withdrawn] Bob Doris S6O-03321 6. To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to progress the recommendations contained in its Fair Fares Review. Finlay Carson S6O-03322 7. To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to promote and improve rail services in Dumfries and Galloway. Martin Whitfield S6O-03323 8. To ask the Scottish Government what its response it to the latest report on childcare costs by Pregnant Then Screwed. First Minister's Questions Douglas Ross S6F-03005 1. Question to be taken in Chamber. Anas Sarwar S6F-03006 2. Question to be taken in Chamber. Ariane Burgess S6F-03007 3. To ask the First Minister, in light of the recent report by the Climate Change Committee, how the Scottish Government plans to accelerate action to ensure that Scotland achieves net zero by 2045. Keith Brown S6F-03030 4. To ask the First Minister what impact the Scottish Government considers this month’s changes to UK migration rules will have on the seasonal workforce in Scotland, as the soft fruit sector begins to prepare for the summer season. Craig Hoy S6F-03010 5. To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government’s response is to reports of significant financial pressures within NHS Lothian and NHS Borders. Pauline McNeill S6F-03033 6. To ask the First Minister whether he will provide an update on what discussions the Scottish Government has had with the Lord Advocate regarding the exoneration of Scottish sub-postmasters and mistresses whose convictions were based on evidence from the Post Office’s Horizon computer system. followed by Members' Business — S6M-12265 Pauline McNeill: Prison Officers Association Campaign, 68 is Too Late That the Parliament notes the Prison Officers Association campaign, 68 is too late; understands that the campaign seeks to end what it sees as the injustice of prison officers being required to work until they are 68, compared with other uniformed services, such as the police force, fire service and the Armed Forces, which, it understands, have a normal retirement age of 60; notes the view that expecting prison officers to work until almost their seventh decade, at a time when, it understands, the prisoner population is rising, the average age of a prisoner is 36, violence is increasing and the influence of organised crime is expanding, is both dangerous and unrealistic; further notes the belief that a retirement age of 68 risks the safety of prisoners, prison officers and the public, including in the Glasgow region; considers that, for successful rehabilitation, prisoners rely on well-trained, motivated and confident officers working in safe and fully-staffed establishments, and notes the calls on the Scottish and UK governments to enter talks with the Prison Officers Association to discuss how to bring about changes to the retirement rules to provide an option to access their pension at 60 with no financial detriment. followed by Portfolio Questions Social Justice Claire Baker S6O-03308 1. To ask the Scottish Government what the average waiting time is for a determination on Adult and Child Disability Payments in Mid-Scotland and Fife. Oliver Mundell S6O-03309 2. To ask the Scottish Government what assessment the Ministerial Taskforce on Population has made of the potential impact of the centralisation of services on the sustainability of rural communities. Elena Whitham S6O-03310 3. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the housing minister has had with ministerial colleagues regarding any potential impact on rural community housing of its decision not to allow the use of fossil and biofuel heating systems in new-build construction. Bill Kidd S6O-03311 4. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the work undertaken by the staff and officials of Social Security Scotland to complete the move to have all payments for disabled children being paid directly by Social Security Scotland, and subject to the scrutiny of the Scottish Parliament. Alex Rowley S6O-03312 5. To ask the Scottish Government what impact the 2024-25 Scottish Budget will have on its targets for reducing child poverty. Stephanie Callaghan S6O-03313 6. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the Child Poverty Action Group’s recent analysis of official data showing that 4.3 million children were in relative poverty across the UK, up from 3.6 million in 2010-11. Colin Smyth S6O-03314 7. To ask the Scottish Government what work it is undertaking to give greater representation to older people. Liam Kerr S6O-03315 8. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to figures showing that there has been a decrease in the number of new homes started in 2023 compared with 2022. followed by Ministerial Statement: Climate Change Committee Scotland Report: Next Steps followed by Stage 1 Debate: Scottish Employment Injuries Advisory Council Bill Mark Griffin S6M-12882 That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Scottish Employment Injuries Advisory Council Bill. followed by Decision Time
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