Portfolio Questions Education and Skills Michelle Thomson S6O-01460 1. To ask the Scottish Government which elements of the Cumberford-Little report it sees as relevant for its forthcoming review of the skills landscape, and particularly in relation to the stated purpose of "optimising the system for upskilling and reskilling." Fulton MacGregor 2. [Not Lodged] Gordon MacDonald S6O-01462 3. To ask the Scottish Government what action is being taken to tackle skills shortages. Fiona Hyslop S6O-01463 4. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will amend education support guidance to distinguish between voluntary home education as a matter of choice and involuntary home education as a matter of necessity. Katy Clark S6O-01464 5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what actions it is taking to tackle sexual harassment in schools. Tess White S6O-01465 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the actions that are being taken to recruit teachers in primary and secondary schools. Gillian Mackay S6O-01466 7. To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to support the workforce skills that are needed to pursue a transition towards a fossil fuel-free future. Jeremy Balfour S6O-01467 8. To ask the Scottish Government what work it is doing to improve attainment across primary education in Scotland. followed by Ministerial Statement: Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry Chair followed by Stage 1 Debate: Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill. followed by Decision Time
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