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Meeting of the Parliament

Tuesday 01 February 2022 2:00 PM


Time for Reflection Rev Ronald Matandakufa, Minister, Kirk of the Holy Rood, Grangemouth followed by Topical Questions Graham Simpson S6T-00468 1. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reported problems with applying for free under-22 bus travel passes. Mercedes Villalba S6T-00467 2. To ask the Scottish Government what action it will take to support those communities affected by Storm Malik and Storm Corrie, including addressing the impact on the provision of services such as public transport. followed by First Minister Statement: COVID-19 Update followed by Ministerial Statement: Update on 2022 National Qualifications followed by Scottish Government Debate: UK Elections Bill That the Parliament agrees not to consent to the UK Elections Bill, as it is for the Scottish Parliament to legislate on electoral law in relation to Scottish Parliament and local government elections; notes that the Scottish Government intends to consult on a number of electoral reforms later in 2022 with a view to bringing forward legislation; expresses its concern that proposals in the UK Elections Bill in relation to reserved elections risk disenfranchising voters, and threatening the independence of the Electoral Commission; notes that the proposal to require voter identification could infringe the human rights of people without a form of identification; supports the agreement of the Scottish Parliament Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee to the Scottish Government's position that legislative consent is required in relation to digital imprints in devolved elections, and opposes the moves by the UK Government to effectively replace existing Scottish legislation on digital imprints by applying an unacceptably broad interpretation of the internet services reservation. followed by Legislative Consent Motion: Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill - UK Legislation That the Parliament agrees that the relevant provisions of the Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill, introduced in the House of Lords on 19 July 2021 relating to enabling devolved judicial offices to be added to a judicial pension scheme at the request of the Scottish Ministers, the increase in the mandatory retirement age for devolved judicial office holders in Scotland to 75 and the addition of provisions on the determination and payment of allowances, so far as these matters fall within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament or alter the executive competence of the Scottish Ministers, should be considered by the UK Parliament. followed by Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-02749 Jackie Baillie: World Cancer Day 2022 That the Parliament recognises that 4 February 2022 is World Cancer Day, a day that unites people, communities and entire countries to raise awareness and take action on cancer; recognises that the theme of World Cancer Day 2022 is “Close the Care Gap”, which is about understanding and recognising inequities in cancer care around the globe; understands that one in two people will get cancer in their lifetime, but that great progress in research has seen survival rates double in the last 40 years; congratulates Cancer Research UK on the 20th anniversary of its formation, following the merger of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and the Cancer Research Campaign; expresses admiration for the way that it considers this institution has dramatically changed outcomes for people with cancer, through what it sees as the pioneering of more effective and kinder treatments, improving diagnostic methods, providing world-class information and campaigning for change, some of which takes place in Scotland; wishes Cancer Research UK well with its future work, and notes that MSPs can show their support for World Cancer Day through the wearing of a Cancer Research UK Unity Band.

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