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Meeting of the Parliament

Thursday 11 January 2024 11:40 AM


General Questions Meghan Gallacher S6O-02950 1. To ask the Scottish Government what work it is undertaking to reduce the rates of male suicide in Scotland, in light of the issues raised in the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Equality and Human Rights Monitor report for 2023. Kaukab Stewart S6O-02951 2. To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to support the roll-out of electric buses across the Glasgow City Region. Donald Cameron S6O-02952 3. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to support businesses across the Highlands and Islands region. Jackie Baillie 4. [Not Lodged] Stuart McMillan S6O-02954 5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what steps it is taking to address the cost of living crisis. Clare Haughey S6O-02955 6. To ask the Scottish Government how its Budget will support household incomes in the Rutherglen constituency. Carol Mochan S6O-02956 7. To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on whether its proposed budget spend increase of £0.1 million for alcohol and drugs policy, which is reportedly a real-terms reduction, is sufficient to address the challenges faced in this area. Annabelle Ewing S6O-02957 8. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the new medical centre for Lochgelly. followed by First Minister's Questions Douglas Ross S6F-02687 1. Question to be taken in Chamber. Anas Sarwar S6F-02688 2. Question to be taken in Chamber. Alex Cole-Hamilton S6F-02695 3. To ask the First Minister when the Cabinet will next meet. Stuart McMillan S6F-02700 4. To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government’s position is regarding any implications for its net zero ambitions of the UK Government’s Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill, which seeks changes to the licensing regime, including how regularly licensing rounds are held. Roz McCall S6F-02708 5. To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government’s response is to reports that The Promise is not on track to deliver effective change for Scotland’s care experienced people. Paul Sweeney S6F-02713 6. To ask the First Minister what urgent steps are being taken to address reports of a mental health crisis with an increase in calls to the NHS 24 Mental Health Hub. followed by Members' Business — S6M-11518 Rhoda Grant: Bank of Scotland Ending Mobile Branch Services across Scotland That the Parliament regrets the recently announced end of mobile branch services from the Bank of Scotland to several towns and villages across Scotland, including several in the Highlands and Islands region; understands that the end of these services will take effect in May 2024; further understands that, although the Bank of Scotland notes that there has been low use of its banking vans, some rural residents will be left without local banking services and will have to travel several miles to reach such services; believes that this will disproportionately affect elderly people and disabled people who potentially cannot travel or access mobile banking services, and notes the calls for the Bank of Scotland to reconsider these plans or implement alternative plans so that everyone can access suitable bank services easily.

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