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Meeting of the Parliament

Tuesday 01 June 2021 2:00 PM


Time for Reflection: Rev Canon David Richards, Rector, St Paul’s and St George’s Church, Edinburgh followed by First Minister's Statement: COVID-19 Update followed by Scottish Government Debate: Health Recovery: That the Parliament welcomes the Scottish Government commitment to produce an NHS Recovery plan within 100 days, reflecting that the necessary actions of the NHS to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted on waiting times for care and treatment; recognises that this impact will mean that many people are waiting longer for treatment and that this will be a source of worry for them and their families; notes that the aim of the recovery plan will be to increase inpatient, day case and outpatient activity by 10%, and that urgent care such as cancer will continue to be prioritised and action taken to reduce the longest waits; believes that the recovery plan should address both mental and physical health as all aspects of wellbeing have been affected by the pandemic; further believes that a women’s health plan should also be brought forward within 100 days in order to better shape the services that are needed by women of all ages but that have too often fallen short in the past; commends the health and care staff for the remarkable efforts that they have made to provide the best care and treatment possible during the pandemic, and recognises that fundamental to the recovery of the NHS is a recognition of their care and support needs so that they can best meet the needs of patients, and supports the establishment of a National Care Service to ensure that care services are founded on fairness, equality and human rights, and are placed on the same level of esteem as the National Health Service. followed by Urgent Question: 1. Jamie Greene: To ask the Scottish Government for its response to the Scottish Law Commission’s Discussion Paper on the Mental Element in Homicide and the wider implications it has in ending the so-called rough sex defence. followed by Committee Announcements Business Motions Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Decision Time

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