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Meeting of the Parliament

Tuesday 26 October 2021 2:00 PM


Time for Reflection Rev Kipchumba Too, Minister, Denny Westpark Church of Scotland followed by Topical Questions Monica Lennon S6T-00225 1. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports of NHS Lanarkshire moving to the highest risk level, black, and cancelling elective care, including some cancer procedures. Evelyn Tweed S6T-00222 2. To ask the Scottish Government what work is being undertaken in response to reports of recent increases in drink spiking and spiking by injection in nightclubs and bars. followed by First Minister’s Statement: COVID-19 Update followed by Urgent Question Mark Griffin To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to help agree a pay deal that is acceptable to council and education workers in order to avert industrial action. followed by Ministerial Statement: Scotland’s Retail Sector followed by Ministerial Statement: Development and Deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage in Scotland followed by Scottish Government Debate: A Person Centred Approach to Mental Health and Substance Abuse That the Parliament recognises the importance of ensuring a person-centred approach to supporting those with substance use and mental health needs; welcomes the investment of £250 million into the national drug mission and the £120 million Mental Health Recovery and Renewal Fund; supports the development of better working links between mental health and substance use services; recognises the need to embed cultural change to address stigma and include a trauma-informed approach; considers that treatment and assistance should be offered from the first point of contact and consistently throughout each person's journey; notes that, when required, outreach services are available to support people to stay in treatment and that services are designed to ensure that this can happen, and recognises that people may also experience multiple and severe disadvantages, such as homelessness and poverty, which require substance use and mental health services to engage other services. followed by Decision Time followed by Members' Business — S6M-00917 Clare Adamson: UK Malnutrition Awareness Week 2021, Malnutrition in Older People That the Parliament acknowledges UK Malnutrition Awareness Week 2021; notes that the annual initiative, which was launched by BAPEN and Malnutrition Taskforce, will take place between 11 and 17 October; believes that malnutrition, which is also known as undernutrition, is a substantial public health issue, with one in 10 older people in Scotland being at risk of, or living with, the condition; recognises that research from projects such as Eat Well Age Well (Food Train) indicates that this figure might be an underestimate, with an estimated 30% of older people at risk; believes that measures such as screening and early intervention, training for health and social care professionals, investment in community initiatives that address social isolation and policies that take account of the differences between food poverty and food insecurity, are integral to addressing malnutrition in older people; understands the continuing challenges faced by older people across Scotland who are at risk of malnutrition with isolation, which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, being a contributory factor; further understands the unprecedented and sustained demand on health and social care services and third sector organisations since the onset of the pandemic; notes the view that addressing malnutrition in older people is a matter of national importance both as a moral imperative and an issue that puts avoidable strain on the country's health and social care services; further notes calls for the Scottish Government do everything in its power to ensure that everyone has reliable access to nutritious, culturally-appropriate and affordable food, as recommended by the Social Renewal Advisory Board in its January 2021 report, If not now, when?; commends the work of food policy organisations, such as the charity, Food Train, and dedicated volunteers, in advancing this issue, and wishes everyone involved with UK Malnutrition Awareness Week every success.

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