That the Parliament notes the reported proposals to re-zone St Fittick's Park in Torry, Aberdeen, currently designated urban green space, and Doonies Rare Breeds Farm, currently part of the green belt, to facilitate port expansion as part of a larger industrialisation plan to create an energy transition zone; recognises what it sees as the importance of transitioning away from fossil fuels, but also what it considers the negative impacts that over-industrialisation can have on resident communities, such as poor air quality, loss of greenspace and various forms of pollution, including noise; believes that community green spaces are positive for mental wellbeing and people's right to a healthy environment; appreciates the value of having an award-winning, biodiverse area of woodland, wetland and recreational grassland in these areas, which it understands experience multiple social deprivation; acknowledges the reported opposition to the re-zoning by the community in Torry, including the Friends of St Fittickās Park campaign, on environmental justice and community wellbeing grounds; notes the view that these sites are valuable to the people and worthy of protection, and further notes the belief that their re-zoning is inappropriate.
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