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Members' Business — S6M-03442 Graham Simpson: Honouring Emergency Workers

Wednesday 27 April 2022 5:31 PM


That the Parliament recognises the campaign by the Lanarkshire Police Historical Society for officers murdered in the line of duty, including Constable George Taylor and Detective Sergeant William Ross Hunt, both of Strathclyde Police Force, to receive posthumous UK bravery awards; further recognises what it sees as the need for those who lose their lives while on public duty to receive recognition; notes the view that the UK Government should agree to create a new award for all emergency workers who are killed while serving the public, and that this should be retrospective; recognises what it sees as the sterling bravery shown by Constable George Taylor and Sergeant William Ross Hunt in the face of what it understands was horrific violence; congratulates the Chief Constable of Police Scotland, Iain Livingstone, on agreeing to honour both men, and notes with sadness the long wait that their families have had for both men to be acknowledged.

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