That the Parliament notes that 10 December 2023 is annual Human Rights Day, and marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights being proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948; recognises what it sees as the vital role of human rights frameworks in expanding, promoting, and defending human rights across the globe; understands that the Declaration has been translated into over 500 different languages, and has paved the way for more than 70 human rights treaties to date; notes the belief that politicians of all parties must work together to ensure that human rights are championed and have a maximum effect in practice; recognises Amnesty International's campaign "Human Rights: Now Available in Human", which, it understands, aims to engage as many people as possible in the legislative process for Scotland's proposed new Human Rights Bill; further recognises the work of civil society organisations, including the Human Rights Consortium Scotland, JustRight Scotland and Making Rights Real, in helping to protect and advance human rights in Scotland; notes that 2023 also marks 25 years since the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders; affirms its support for human rights defenders working on the front line of what it sees as rights abuses and injustice, and notes the belief that their voices should be integral to law and policy development in Scotland and across the world.
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