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Public Petitions Committee

Thursday 25 October 2018 8:15 AM


1. Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions— PE1705 by Alex Milne on Wildlife crime - penalties and investigation; PE1706 by Geraldine Mackenzie on Introduce a law to allow pets in rented and supported accommodation. 2. Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petitions— PE1678 by Ranger Bob Reid on behalf of SCRA on National strategic framework for Countryside Ranger Services in Scotland, and will take evidence from— Eileen Stuart, Head of Policy and Advice and Alan MacPherson, People and Places Unit Manager, Scottish Natural Heritage; PE1533 by Jeff Adamson on behalf of Scotland Against the Care Tax on Abolition of non-residential social care charges for older and disabled people; PE1545 by Ann Maxwell on behalf of Muir Maxwell Trust on Residential care provision for the severely learning disabled; PE1651 by Marion Brown on behalf of Recovery and Renewal on Prescribed drug dependence and withdrawal; PE1667 by W Hunter Watson on Review of mental health and incapacity legislation; PE1673 by James Mackie on Operation and running of child protection services in Scotland; PE1687 by Jane Erskine on Regulation of fireworks displays in Scotland. 3. Consideration of a continued petition (in private): The Committee will consider the following continued petition— PE1627 by Annette McKenzie on Consent for mental health treatment for people under 18 years of age.

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Latest meetings: Public Petitions Committee