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Public Petitions Committee

Thursday 09 November 2017 9:00 AM


1. Consideration of continued petition: The Committee will consider the following continued petition— PE1603 by Mairi Campbell-Jack and Douglas Beattie on behalf of Quaker in Scotland & Forces Watch on Ensuring greater scrutiny, guidance and consultation on armed forces visits to schools in Scotland; and will take evidence from; Brigadier Paul Buttery, Head Training Education Skills Recruiting and Resettlement, Ministry of Defence; Wing Commander Ian Garnett, Field Force Commander North, Royal Air Force; Commander Billy Adams, Commanding Officer Recruiting Field Force & Area Recruiting Officer, Scotland & Northern Ireland, Royal Navy; Major Deborah Scott, SO2 Recruiting and Engagement Coordination, HQ 51st Infantry Brigade and Army Headquarters Scotland. 2. Consideration of new petition: The Committee will consider the following new petition— PE1668 by Anne Glennie on Improving literacy standards in schools through research-informed reading instruction; and will take evidence from; Anne Glennie; Dr Sarah McGeown, Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, University of Edinburgh; Gordon Askew, MBE, International Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction. 3. Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petitions— PE1480 by Amanda Kopel on behalf of The Frank Kopel Alzheimer's Awareness Campaign on Alzheimer's and dementia awareness / PE1533 by Jeff Adamson on behalf of Scotland Against the Care Tax on Abolition of non-residential social care charges for older and disabled people; PE1551 by Scott Pattinson on Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse; PE1577 by Rachael Wallace on Adult Cerebral Palsy Services; PE1581 by Duncan Wright on behalf of Save Scotland's School Libraries on Save Scotland's School Libraries; PE1591 by Catriona MacDonald on behalf of SOS-NHS on Major redesign of healthcare services in Skye, Lochalsh and South West Ross; PE1625 by Patricia Hewitt and Mary Black on Wider awareness, acceptance and recognition of Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome; PE1633 by Bill Alexander on Private Criminal Prosecution in Scotland; PE1648 by Stephanie Dodds on Nursery business rates; PE1649 by Jennifer Lawrie on Council tax bands; PE1650 by Rebecca Jeynes on Student Awards Agency for Scotland's post-graduate eligibility criteria; and PE1652 by Irene Baillie on Abusive and threatening communication.

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Latest meetings: Public Petitions Committee