1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 5 in private. 2. Forestry and woodland management in Scotland: The Committee will take evidence from— Brendan Callaghan, Director of Operational Delivery, Scottish Forestry; Stuart Goodall, Chief Executive Officer, Confor; Sarah Madden, Policy Advocate, Forestry and Land Use, Woodland Trust Scotland; Dr Ruth Mitchell, Biodiversity and Ecosystems group leader, The James Hutton Institute; Graeme Prest, Director of Land Management and Regions, Forestry and Land Scotland; David Robertson, Investment and Business Development Director, Scottish Woodlands; Andy Rockall, Director, Community Woodlands Association; Professor Ian Wall, Chair, Public Financial Support for Tree-Planting and Forestry inquiry, Royal Society of Edinburgh. 3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— Conservation of Salmon (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 (2024/368) 4. Follow-up inquiry into salmon farming in Scotland (in private): The Committee continue its consideration of a draft report. 5. Forestry and woodland management in Scotland: The Committee will consider the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.
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