Tess White S6O-03585 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will review the process for admitting visitors to the public gallery in the chamber. Lorna Slater S6O-03583 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether any of its contracted catering companies source produce or products from occupied land in Gaza or the West Bank. Ben Macpherson S6O-03586 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it would consider increasing the £500 annual training budget that is allocated to MSP offices for staff training. Karen Adam S6O-03584 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body how much of its annual budget is allocated to the provision of BSL services to ensure that the Parliament is accessible to those who use BSL, in light of the 2022 Census results showing that BSL is used by 117,300 people or 2.2% of the population. Sharon Dowey S6O-03582 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will provide an update on the review commissioned by the security team, in light of the protest that took place on 21 February 2024. Pam Gosal S6O-03548 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will provide an update on how it is widening access to its educational services. Patrick Harvie S6O-03587 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what action it is taking to recognise Pride Month, including how it supports LGBTQ+ staff and visitors by ensuring that the Parliament remains a visibly inclusive environment. John Mason S6O-03581 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether a simplified employment process could be introduced for temporary staff working for just two or three days, for reasons such as covering sickness. Ross Greer S6O-03588 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will review the opening hours of the Scottish Parliament creche to cover non-business days.
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