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Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee

Wednesday 18 March 2020 10:00 AM


1. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on the National Bus Travel Concession Scheme for Older and Disabled Persons (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020 from—
Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Tom Davy, Head of Bus Strategy & Concessions Policy, and John Finlay, Scheme Business Manager, Scottish Government.

2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instruments—
The Marketing of Fruit Plant and Propagating Material (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2020 (SSI 2020/34); The Scottish Road Works Register (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2020 (SSI 2020/35).

3. Subordinate legislation: Michael Matheson (Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity) to move—
S5M-20928—That the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee recommends that the National Bus Travel Concession Scheme for Older and Disabled Persons (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020 be approved.

4. National Transport Strategy (NTS2): The Committee will take evidence from-
Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Alison Irvine, Director of Transport Strategy and Analysis, and Heather Cowan, Head of Strategy and Integration, Scottish Government.

5. Transport Update: The Committee will take evidence from-
Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Alasdair Graham, Director of Major Projects, Fran Pacitti, Director of Aviation, Maritime, Freights and Canals, Donald Morrison, Head of Asset Management and Procurement, and Bill Reeve, Director of Rail, Scottish Government.

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Latest meetings: Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee